Vax mandates
Fed employees and military - Gov mandated
Private employees - Company mandates
Union Employees - AFl-CIO mandates coming per Trumpka
This way it "isn't" a government mandate beyond gov employees.
Airports/ Airlines/ Leisure travel Public sports & entertainment venues coming along soon.
Problem is that vaxed ppl get and spread covid.
Problem is that PCR test cannot distinguish btwn FLU and Covid.
So how do they identify Delta variant vs original CV?
Mask mandates
In the meantime large cities (LA, NYC) and 2nd-3rd tier chocolate cities (St. Louis, Atlanta)
are mandating masks.
NY, NJ, CT, RI, PA, IL, MN, MI and more 2nd-3rd tier chocolate cities will join.
Masks don't stop CV and vaxed ppl get and spread covid.