roy, set the building on fire on your way out, blunt
wasn't that ass way biggerer before or no
extortion selling poison
fucking saved, cry moar you fucking cunt
and please do post video of you again when your dick starts to fall off
and your asshole pie face starts to slide off on one side
while you shake uncontrollably as you hopefully die
very slow and painfully as the rest of the tiny brainlet lump
in your crack head clots and seizes up permanently
>vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood
Dr. Malone is saying that, these higher levels of the virus in the vAxed are signs of the development of ADE which is a sign of disease
more and more vAxed are going to start dropping ded because of this
it's too late to talk to normies that got vAxed
I am still trying to save ones that have not
there is not enough money in the world to pay for the damages that they have done