weird AF
FF is first thing that comes to my mind w/ this.
leave name field blank so you show up same as everyone else besides Q (for your own safety, esp considering if this is real, which I have no idea but have been waiting to see if this type of shit would drop with hunter.
^my same exact opinion. to take a step further, maybe some remington employers are somehow connected to the sandy hook family members or whatever the fuck you wanna call that retard FF.
FUCK ME. i just gave my dog some zoetis bullshit over fourth of july for fireworks. some thing you havev to wear gloves and put in their mouth and it's absorbed to calm them down…. fucking a. NOT THE DAWGS MANE.
i would bet money she doesn't but that's just because only faggots really do that
do ppl ever spy on you and purposely say things to scare you and let you know they were listening when you weren't around them? cuz same.
anon can you dumb this down enough for me please? as in, what will they use on the vaxxed to get this effect with the movement and will it be simultaneous to all or is there a time component from when they were jabbed and with which vax? v interdaastn. ty for sharing so i can research further for myself.
heat advisory in MO today.
pt 1