i really hope some of you idiots don't procreate but undoubtedly you have already and your offspring are just dumber versions of yourself
>family photo
>npc who doesn't believe they're an npc sharing yet another person's oc
>assumption based off no reality whatsoever
>16 year old found 8kun
>an actual retort with some semblance of intelligence about hunter smoking crack
<it's rich people doing stupid shit and thinking they can get away with it because they're rich
>faggot worried about grammar on a fucking img board where oldfags purposely misspelled shit way back when img boards were still good
>last but not least, a retarded vaxx joke that no rational fucking person would get and only those with a weak faggot of a will would get
thanks for proving my point, all of you who replied
unfortunately for you, you don't deserve the tag