antifa and blm have already learned a thing those fools have not…
peaceful protests do not work in America now.
antifa and blm have already learned a thing those fools have not…
peaceful protests do not work in America now.
science is a cognitive trap for intelligent humans
controlled by the true powers on this planet.
none have power but those whom have always had power.
this exercise has given you their identity.
the only way to be Free is to end their control over humanity.
unfortunately that will never happen, except that one whom comes turns against it`s oldest allies.
nothing can stop what is coming.
science is a lie of your purported enemies.
the second law`s logical conclusion has created generation after generation of atheistic nihilists from the best of you.
paid violence works.
you speak as you have been taught.
and yet…
and yet…
to murder an old saw;
(sorry phil)
any sufficiently advanced sorcery is indistinguishable from technology.
all you know is a lie.
one is truly sorry.
self evidence based upon perception
which is biased by training
which is a very old trap
of mystery schools
for lack of a more involved explanatory nominative.
one is a simple collector of perspectives.
collate enough data and patterns emerge.
one long knew data was manipulated
yet by whom remained long unknown.
once whom was known
pardon the phrase
everything fell into place.
the fact one had to abandon nearly all one had spent a very long time learning was… stressful.
that has passed.
only ı remain.
you have the truth…
if you can swallow it.
welcome to the last rabbithole.
the concept of controlling art, science, philosophy, religion, politics and commerce is a very large one.
folk specialize too much.
narrow view may give piercing insight
but forest for trees is a thing.
know a thing by it`s absence.
opsec died in utah.
cern still spins.
praise the Lord and pass the pitvipers… the great unveiling is heah.
first one
наaяp is global warming.
God has infinite facets.
yet only one name.
much that you say of Him is true.
Sovereignty… the only apology you will ever receive from Him for the Hell He Put you through.
beware keeping God in a box.
He Despises informed hubris.
you can not purge the evil.
it is recurrent, regardless of the amount of death you deal.
some enemies can not be killed.
dem ole principalities and powers, dontcha knœ.
mcdonalds and cemex.
rna is not alive, man.
your perspective is interesting.
yet inaccurate.
hatred is a large component of killing.
compartmentalizing hatred is a harder task.
one has heard of an perfect hatred.
what a treasure that would be.
when you have an honest self image in your id.
in dealing with evil, nothing is ever accomplished unless one deals with the root.
one`s oncle ado lost everything in the pursuit of that root.
vlad seems to have contained, if not purged, the root of oncle`s day.
many roots now.
long growth, unmolested.
which is unutterably ironic.