Lin Wood
Wait again!
To be clear, I have no intentions of taking the “vaccine.” That is my human right to make that decision. But I do not judge those who decided or decide to take it as they also have that basic human right.
We all have to make our own choices and then we all have to live with the consequences of our choices. That is why I always urge you (and myself!) to choose wisely.
I do oppose mandatory vaccinations because In my legal opinion, such a mandate is unconstitutional.
I oppose children receiving an experimental “vaccine” but that again is the parents’ choice. Thankfully, the “vaccine” is not presently being promoted for young children under a certain age.
Always remember that the perfect love, grace, and magnificence of God is that He knows every feeling in your heart, every thought in your mind, how many hairs you have on your head, AND He understands you.
How the decision to take or not take the vaccine impacts any individual is controlled by God. Remember, He only acts for good for His children and often delivers blessings in disguise. The blessing in disguise is how He uses what we perceive as bad or evil to do good. We just have to wait on the Lord to see Him work good out of what we may see as bad or evil.
Always means always.
Nite. This time I mean it! Ha! Rest well.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸