>'no logical answer'
Thessalonians 2:7-12
For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming.
This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.
>HOW do you hide 1.2 billion dollars?
In all of history, a corrupt nation's own military was never their own savior. They were always liberated and the US will be no different.
anon just fucking realized that the state of congress can be distilled down to one episode of South Park: Crack Baby Basketball.
What was the plot?
Cartman convinced Kyle to exploit the poor children as a spectator sport to make tons of money, but spun it making Kyle believe he was being benevolent by giving the crack babies a better life.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT CONGRESS IS DOING WITH MIGRANTS. They've convinced themselves that the kickbacks they are receiving is what they deserve for their "humanitarian efforts to save the people of the world".
Andrew Breitbart was murdered by those whom we "elected" into office. Why have we allowed to get away with so much for so long?