What happens when this site goes down? What will you do then? Wait for Trump to do something from his Golf Cart? What options do you have? Anarchy? Go Active Shooter in a Wal-Mart? What precisely do you plan to do when this, the last Oasis of free speech is Terminated??
So um what are y'all gonna do once China Invades after they flip the 5G Kill Switch that takes out over half of America and most of the Military/Federal Employees, cause you know, Mandatory Vaccines? The Disease alone of all those bodies will kill another 50% of what's left. Poisoned water and food supplies. No more Kroger™ for (You'ns)!!!
Keep sitting on your asses Faggots. Let's See What Happens.
I am so fucking proud of you guys. No more shitposting for tonight. My Beer is Cold and the Steaks are High and Hot!
We are unbreakable!