Take some time to peruse this site. I know the CDC lies but there is A LOT of data from many angles here.
Such as:
Cases, Deaths, and Testing
Demographic Trends
Genomic Surveillance
United States COVID-19 Pandemic Vulnerability Index by County
People at Increased Risk
Good deep dives on
Trends in Vaccination Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Age, and Sex
Trends in Cases and Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, Age, and Sex
Total Cases and Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, Age, and Sex
These sections debunk MSM propaganda on who isnt vaxed.
(Claim right wing Trumpers are resisting yet whites are vaxed the highest - almost equal to their population representation).
Vaccination Trends
Vaccination Demographics
Vaccination Demographics Trends (Blacks and Hispanics lag most)
Vaccination and Case Trends