It's quite simple really, it's just an organized collective of psychopaths and generally mentally-ill individuals. They have developed ways to find each other and create other psychopaths through their rituals which psychologically shatters other individuals into becoming sociopaths. Everything they are pushing on us through the media is what they enjoy doing, it's like a parasite or Agent Smith in the Matrix replicating himself by taking over others.
They aren't stupid per-say but definitely not geniuses, they feed on the creativity of others through fear, bribes, and blackmail. The heart is a heavy burden - their strongest traits are their cunning and lack of remorse. Although psychopaths do have their code of conduct which they are generally loyal too. My mother had psychopathic tendencies, I know one when I see one so I generally know how to deal with them. Flatter them with compliments and give them the illusion that they have power; treat them as you would a child that's constantly on the edge of breaking. It's like using Jedi mind-tricks. Know thy enemy, read proverbs and everything after. These people generally collapse when they are mocked, careful who you insult in person, they'll never forget it.