BREAKING: Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work (SIAP)
A lawsuit was filed this morning in New York related to the company’s actions to selectively address accusations of harassment within the company. In regards to Judge Napolitano, the suit alleges…
It’s a mile-long doc, including Stephanie Freeman & Jenna Strem sabotaging males, presumably straight ones:
Explains faux putting THIS out today!!!
Americans are catching onto President Joe Biden; they are beginning to see what Democrats, along with CNN and MSNBC ( and most of all what our side was watching on FAUX ) , et al, so successfully hid from them during last year’s presidential election campaign. Voters are discovering that they elected a shell of a president, a frequently addled man without conviction or force whose every campaign promise was entirely bogus.
There may not have been widespread voter fraud in 2020 but that doesn’t mean a horrendous fraud was not perpetrated on American voters.
Most worrisome today for Biden: people are even souring on the character issues that his campaign touted, like honesty and empathy.
"Honesty & Empathy" certainly sounds like all those fraud "polls" faux was pumping out, doesn't it, while their rotten talking heads defended everything bidan throughout it all, including treating RUDY like a wacko and giving pravda MORE AMMO!
January 26, 2020 Tucker Carlson talked about his former Washington neighbor, Hunter Biden… telling host Jesse Waters he feels a degree of "sympathy" …now that the son is facing scrutinty…
"I know him well. He was my neighbor. He's a really nice guy, Carlson said. "I've always liked him… "I still like Hunter Biden… It's, like, of course, he's making, you know, whatever, a million a year from some Ukrainian energy company.
Hunter Biden and his 77-year-old father have been frequent subjects of conversation among Republicans amid the ongoing Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. The president is accused of abuse of power for allegedly using military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s…Trump is also accused of obstruction…
I’m sympathetic because, like, if his dad wasn't running for president, we wouldn't have heard of all of this Carlson said.
…Carlson challenged viewers to name a single leader in world history that stayed in power after failing to "quell a rebellion." President Trump may lose this election. Unless fundamental facts change soon, it will be tough for him to be reelected
At some point in the future, historians will marvel at the fact the president lost ground during a pandemic and then during mass riots… because all lives do matter …. If you can’t say that, what’s the point of living here? Trump never quite articulated any of this… And yet when widespread disorder arrived, Trump did not act decisively. He said little. He did less. Voters felt undefended…
COMMUNIST/Soros-controlled sewage needs to be obliterated!!