God exists in all times and in all places. He already won and is waiting for us at the finish line. codemonkey is right - The wars rage in the spiritual realm and our reliance on God (faith) will end their attacks on our realm forever. Faith matters.
'Get them up and running. More bad decisions coming from the Cabal this week.'
kek… agreed
Walmart = Chinese cheap shit wholesale outlet.
Save your community. Stop shopping in corporate big box stores that use your money to take your country away from you.
For those that really get it that's the reality. The Great Awakening holds much in store for humanity.
Everybody who could possibly be a whistleblower gets suicided. I suspect this officer was having serious thoughts about coming forward and they detected it because they're monitoring their comms (all Capitol Police). Once you cover for these monsters your life hangs in the balance every day.
Red October - President Trump turned into the weapon (vaccine) before they could arm it fully.
President Trump save billions of lives.
Watch 'Karen' come in and try to start pushing Owen around and quickly disappears when she sees the camera…
Karen aka 'The Coward'
kek - Thanks, I'll try to remember that but boomers don't have great memories…
Sacrifice of one child?
One day EVERYBODY will know that President Trump actually did SAVE THE WORLD.
Dec 19 2017 18:00:02 (EST) Q381
We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
The chads in Florida in 2000 drove the rapid conversion to electronic voting machines.
I ask you Patriots - What was the bigger false flag - 9/11 or the 2000 Election? They've (Bush Family) been trying to destroy America for a LONG TIME.
Holy Toledo - Is this what Q was talking about when Q said they released too much about the Nazis and that we weren't ready for it yet?
KEK! Mr Pig is right, as always
It's the perfect response - "You're not my doctor" - How do you knock that assertion down? Sends them packing…
Isn't Entrust the holder of all crypto keys for the Internet?
chk'd - That thought never crossed my mind but it's exactly how these goons and thugs operate. Information is the most valuable commodity. NEVER give it to strangers.