The shitshow the world is watching in Afghanistan did not happen by accident. There is a multi-purpose reason for the way in which the evacuation is taking place.
Embarrass and humiliate the United States generally.
Embarrass amd humiliate our Armed Forces.
Demonstrate to all just how incompetent and sloppy the United States is.
Show to our allies that we cannot be depended on or trusted.
Give our enemies a forensic look at the state of the art equipment and armaments of the United States.
Arm the Taliban with these weapons.
Import more 3rd world refugees into the Homeland.
Increase spending and waste to increase the deficit. 84 Billion dollars worth of equipment. Gone.
The modern day leftist has made the conscious decision to abandon and withstand all humiliation, embarrassment, hypocrisy, danger and defiance of common sense if it's actions will bring the United States of America one inch closer to it's downfall. They are winning and this is what it looks like.