nwo satanist goobers have failed
No one forces God's hand.
satanists look like fools for attempting to do so
>Nothing really stops what is coming.
c19 is dead
delta is dead
satanic losers have failed
>Let me study religion
forget religion anon
work on your relationship with the Holy Spirit
>You know not what I do,
>Let me study religion
your words not mine
my advise not yours
take it or leave it
the choice is yours
Spoiler : if you worship the creature this may hurt your ears and corrupt mind
[Act 16:25-31 KJV] 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. 28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here. 29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.