BILD, the German paper, had this story on the front page of it's website.
Woman was takin care of a planted area near apartment blocks and the Afghan approached her, mad seeing that a woman was working.
Afghan stabbed her a several times in the neck, and a passerby, trying to go to the woman's aid was stabbed in the neck as well.
Woman is in ICU. Not sure about the passerby.
Afghan in D since 2016. Has had prior psychiatric incidents.
BILD reports Islam motivated, from words spoken during the attack. BILD is not always PC. Probably why a lot of people go to them.
Hearing today where what looked to me to be a decision of where he is to be held (Unterbringungdbeschluss …hard to translate…literally accommodation decision) will be ruled on.
In German. May be behind a paywall. Sometimes I can see them, sometines I can't.