Have anons parsed those
>heavily redacted
documents for revelations like previously redacted documents exposed?
Have anons parsed those
>heavily redacted
documents for revelations like previously redacted documents exposed?
September is a tough month on the Satanic calendar.
What habbened on the 7th?
Sep 7 Marriage to the Beast sexual sacrifice, dismemberment infant - 21 (female)
Sep 21 Midnight Host blood dismemberment and hands removed for Hand of Glory (female)
Sep 22
date varies Feast Day
(fall equinox) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age
How's that split bread doing?
>We were the people who caused the clowns to create the entire 'conspiracy theory' psyop
And labeled anon for life.
Gee. Thanks.
Really? 46 stumbled to three sites today and said nothing?
And then there's you…
Any anons seeing the
flags? Saw a couple waiving this weekend. Took video, but would likely dox to post it, so no.
Go tinkle on a live wire.
Whew. Thanks anon. First split bake attempt for this baker.
Can't say baker is an old pro.
In all the right places.