I'm sitting here in front of the screen snickering into my sleeve. My FIL was here for a visit, and he saw some Q bookmarks over my shoulder. He asked me if I was involved in "that QAnon" stuff. I said, "yes". He started spitting MSM talking points about domestic terrorism and stuff. Then I told him that the whole Q thing is a VIDEO GAME. It's based on text, rather than moving graphics, and that it's like a puzzle game.
He literally scratched his hed - perplexed. I elaborated that it was like that old text only game Zork (or whatever it was called) or like a "choose your own adventure" book. Then he said that the news outfits made it sound like some sort of radical thing.
That waws my entree to observing that all of the news if fake. He said "it's starting to seem like it", or something like that. I'm still chuckling…