Holy shit- OZ call to arms….
But whats this going to look like?
Dude is saying familiar things.
Holy shit- OZ call to arms….
But whats this going to look like?
Dude is saying familiar things.
I have zero money- like I can even afford to go to a bar or a cinema
>>14603460 Illegals first Americans last- notable.
Minaj is just another celbritard, however the reporter was hunting down her family so fight tactic with tactics. I see no issue with this. They want crowd propaganda but they got a crowd propaganda fight. Information wars, this is one we just see. The challenge to the reporter is who to told you to go after this particular story? Black bitches, if on line vids are any indication, do not back down from a hood fight.
I've only barfed from bad food, stomach flu, or excessive drinking. Dont have access to the other stuff to know. Pity this anon.
too long…. notice the effects kick in around the up coming presidential fraudlection. Coinincidence? I dunno.
Notable- because its true
if we manage to do that.. 2021 isnt over yet.
But Its easier for me- no job, no job prospects (0ver 55), too young to get govt benefits. I am broke but no debt. No licenses needed. The incentives offered isn't enough to get me to self poison sooooo…what r they gunna do 2 me? They have to forcefully inject me somehow. I survived COVID. I dont need no fukkin jab.