Yup. People get excited. Like capturing one of their pawns. Celebrity worship is still everywhere. This will burn out in a few weeks.
>Wow, whitey threatening a strong black woman
And assholes always standing by agitating. Wanna go now.
They're on their own path. I don't even wish them good luck. For me, they exist in another separate world.
The only thing missing in these photos are the strings.
It was before the 2016 election. She's saying fuck you. I am untouchable. Like the criminal that gets so bored they start leaving clues and taunting.
That's called the washing machine.
Then it turns into this.
If they're smart, they've already taken a baseball to them.
> boomer morons
At least they know what sex they are. Your generation is offended by words, letters and symbols. Go help them out. Hoser.
>The dems would have had all their legal papers in hand with a bunch of sheriffs to take the court ordered custody.
Yup. That's exactly what they do. I'd hit back twice as hard. And if the MSM complained. X2 again. Until they were all so scared they couldn't complete sentences.