I’m guessing she never watched Beavis and Butthead!
It must be a two way mirror, it would be too distracting for whoever’s at the podium, and the natural light would fuck up all the internal lighting if it was a normal window.
I’m just gonna call it, she’s ever got reptilian DNA, or displaying some sorta psychomotor side effect that comes from being a clone.
Lizard or clone. Take your pick.
>I read somewhere that one volcano can release more CO2 than human industry can produce in over 1000 years.
Yeah what really gets my goat is that CO2 makes up less than 0.04% of the earths atmosphere, and of that 0.04% humans are only responsible for 3%. Mother Nature dictates the climate and she suffers no rivals.
Well between magnetic pole shifts, solar flares, volcanic eruptions, continents constantly breaking up then reforming, I’m not quite sure who Greta thinks stole her childhood. But I guess if I just recycle these empty beer bottles everything will be ok.
Yeah but we got the mental capacity to deal with it. The kids ain’t. These people are sick.