Let's pray for the COVID patient.
True, but anyone who is 30 years old and is "dying" of COVID is actually being murdered by the medical establishment and is not getting the lifesaving treatment you mention. The hospital gets to collect a COVID windfall and perhaps sell off some organs, to boot. I think this is a time for some spiritual warfare, tbh.
Psalm 91 is the antidote to COVID 19 (see the mirror). He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty..
Praying your friend's 30 year old is sheltered by God right now.
No, not really. Getting your self off a vent or out of an induced coma and leaving "ama" isn't much of a thing. Of course, God can do what he wants and He has raised the dead and used earthquakes to get people out of prisons before.
Dr. Lee Merritt explained it well. There are three groups: the cattle, the ranch hands and the ranch owners. The "owners" seem to be about 150 people at the top. The "ranch hands" are people like the US Congress who get special rules the rest of us don't (no vaxxes for them!). Don't expect the ranch hands to willingly tell us what is going on.
These statements are a mess. Some seem outward lies, some are twisted truths made to convey things that are NOT true.