Anonymous ID: 22b302 May 19, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.1471651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1667



The Common denominator with these school shootings is …

1) They are all done by public school students

2) They are all indoctrinated with Gates Common Core.

3) The students can barely read, write, do the math, and understand the basic sciences.

4) They are not taught history, but are indoctrinated into activist revisionist history.


What started out as educational institutions, are more likely to resemble and are the equivalent of mental institutions if you really want the truth.


Add to this normalizing sexual perversions under the heading of Sex Education and trying to streamline sexual fetishes into schools curriculum like this: http://


…and https: //


Try and convince me we have not lost control of the educational system.


Rip out the current curriculum.

Teach this and do this only….and watch the students normalize and become sane again…


1) Math and advance math sciences.

2) Reading, writing, grammar.

3)Biology, Chemistry, Physic's

4) Constitutional History, Statistic's, Ethics, Rule of Law

5) Home economics, Shop, Computers, Programming

6) Music, Art, Sports and GYM