Wooah! Some of the prey fought back?
There are continuing rumors that the royals (and others) torture their prey first by cutting them with swords.
Wooah! Some of the prey fought back?
There are continuing rumors that the royals (and others) torture their prey first by cutting them with swords.
Please remove #Qanon8chan and do not use that for a hashtag.
It is a longstanding rule that we do not reveal our workplace or invite normies to our home. If they find it on their own, it was meant to be โฆ but we don't help them find it.
Ugh. You'd better go back.
Would you read / forward a meme that insults you?
How about "then you realize that your idols betrayed you"?
Memes that insult the viewer do not work.
Memes that express new information from the viewer's point of view have a better chance of being seen.