Anonymous ID: a8420b May 19, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.1471211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1238

California Deputy District Attorneys Speak Out Against Soros Pouring Millions Into Local Races


Soros has pushed $1.5 million into San Diego race


A group of deputy district attorneys in California are speaking out against liberal billionaire George Soros pushing large sums of cash into local district attorney races in the state.


Soros, who has quietly funded numerous progressive district attorney candidates across the country, recently poured $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which his longtime treasurer established to support Geneviéve Jones-Wright, a far-left candidate for district attorney in San Diego County, the Washington Free Beacon reported last week.


The PAC has already disbursed hundreds of thousands of dollars on television advertisements, digital advertising, and campaign literature and mailings to support Jones-Wright this month.


Now, the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, the professional association for the deputy DAs of Los Angeles County, has released a statement on Soros' involvement in the state, chastising the financier for his "assault on the criminal justice system."


"It doesn't just seem as if there's a new assault on criminal justice and public safety every time you turn around. There really is," Michele Hanisee, the president of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, said in the statement on Soros.


"One of the latest, and most disturbing, is occurring right now in San Diego County," she continued. "There, out-of-state billionaire George Soros is bankrolling for district attorney an inexperienced deputy public defender who has never held a management and leadership position in her office. But, she has promised to be soft on crime if elected."


"His anointed candidate, to whom he has thrown a whopping $1.5 million, has announced she will never seek the death penalty, refuse to charge those under 25 with crimes that could lead to a life without parole sentence, not charge drug dealers who sell to cops, release accused criminals without bail, and wants to ‘decriminalize' low level offenses by refusing to prosecute them," Hanisee said. "For good measure, she also is in support of closing prisons altogether."


Hanisee added that the San Diego County Deputy District Attorney's Association and its political action committee, San Diegans Against Crime, support Summer Stephan, the current district attorney of San Diego County.


"We are committed to supporting elected officials who will enhance public safety and use the legislative process to enact reforms, rather than those who promise to ignore laws they don't personally like," Hanisee concluded. "We encourage our members to do the same."


An overwhelming majority of the district attorney candidates who Soros has backed across the United States have won due to having a major money advantage over their opponents for such a race.



Anonymous ID: a8420b May 19, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.1471278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310

China to buy more US agricultural, energy products to cut trade deficit


The consensus follows two days of negotiations between teams led by Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.


China agreed to buy more US agricultural and energy products to help narrow a record bilateral trade deficit, addressing a key demand US President Donald Trump has pursued since announcing punitive tariffs threatening to push the two countries into an all-out trade war.


“There was a consensus on taking effective measures to substantially reduce the United States trade deficit in goods with China,” the White House said in a joint announcement on Saturday, following two days of negotiations between teams led by Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.


“To meet the growing consumption needs of the Chinese people and the need for high-quality economic development, China will significantly increase purchases of United States goods and services,” the White House said.


“Both sides agreed on meaningful increases in United States agriculture and energy exports. The United States will send a team to China to work out the details” and will “continue to engage at high levels on these issues and to seek to resolve their economic and trade concerns in a proactive manner.”


Liu arrived in Washington this week to continue talks that began when Mnuchin, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer traveled to Beijing earlier this month.

