Velcro4 is headed to Andrews AFB.
Forth Worth and Meacham are both nearby.
Two airports nearby. No worries.
Might it be due to this landmark it could be trying to bring our attention to..?
Could be, Anon.
It wouldn't be the first time that Q has used something like that to draw Planefags' attention to something.
They tend to cut ADS-B just before landing. It can drop off if they get below 3000ft.
Velcro4 on final into Andrews.
W did, but the news networks couldn't even decide between themselves as to which plane it was.
it's a vocation
C-32 Clipper FINNY32 - this was in Germany earlier today along with Velcro4.
Dena06 is crossing the Tunisian coastline, heading for the Med.
Lots of flights to Buenos Aires in recent months by European Air Force exec jets. Santiago too.
Yeah, I see it too. Just lost ADS-B on RCH427 about 150 clicks out of Kabul.
Yeah, bit of a SNAFU there. Navy jet VM200 headed from San Diego to Washington - could be Nakasone?
Strange flight pattern from DENA06, given the type of jet - is the pilot flying VFR?