Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.1471361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1366 >>1651

As Texas Shooter Killed Unarmed Citizens, FBI Admits Armed Citizens Stopped 4 Recent Mass Shootings


On Friday, a deranged teenager broke multiple gun laws—that were in place to prevent exactly what happened—and began shooting up Santa Fe High School in Texas. All the gun control measures in place did not stop a criminal juvenile from obtaining two guns and walking onto his school campus to kill people. What actually stopped him, however, was guns, lots of them.


The police officers responding to the shooting were all heavily armed and it was only because of their weapons that they brought in the shooter. Good guys with guns are what stop bad guys with guns.


However, police cannot be everywhere all the time. If citizens were disarmed and were forced to rely entirely on police to protect them, rest assured that the bad guys who don’t follow the law would rain terror down on the defenseless population.


In fact, according to a recent FBI report, good guys with guns—who are not police officers—have stopped multiple mass shootings, just like the one in Santa Fe, Texas.


According to the FBI report, citizens successfully intervened in eight active shooter incidents in 2016 and 2017. These heroic citizens prevented or helped to stop what could’ve been some of the worst shooting incidents in US history.


As the report notes, citizens “safely and successfully” ended the shooting by confronting the shooter—not police.


“Their selfless actions likely saved many lives,” the report stated.


Out of those eight incidents, four of the heroic citizens were carrying legal firearms and stopped the shooters in their tracks. In two of those incidents, the citizens actually exchanged fire with the shooters, illustrating how a properly trained—and armed—citizen can be an effective deterrent in mass shootings.


In the other two incidents, the armed citizens held the shooters at gunpoint until police arrived.


One of the most high profile cases of citizen intervention in a mass shooting happened in the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas last year.


According to The New York Post:


The man hailed as a hero for confronting the Texas mass shooter during his rampage is a sharpshooting plumber with no military background — who hit the gunman through a gap in his body armor, according to a report.



Stephen Willeford managed to shoot Devin Kelley before jumping in another man’s truck and chasing him down, the Daily Mail reported…



Texas Department of Public Safety chief Freeman Martin said Willeford “grabbed his rifle and engaged the suspect” after Kelley left the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, where he opened fire with an assault rifle and killed 26 people.



An area resident told the paper that Willeford, an avid biker who attends another church, learned about the shooting when his daughter called to say a man clad in body armor was shooting worshipers.



The local said that although Willeford has no military background, he didn’t hesitate when he came face to face with the suspect — and managed to squeeze off a round that struck the gunman, who had dropped his Ruger AR-15 variant.


On that fateful Sunday morning, the two men were strangers but came together to try and stop an act of heinous evil that likely saved countless lives.


In another incident, just nine days after the shooting in Texas, Travis Green began shooting up a Dollar General store in Cheektowaga, New York. A citizen ran down Green with his car, causing him to drop his gun and flee. Countless lives were saved that day.


According to the report, there were actually 50 active shooter incidents. In the other incidents, police officers—with guns—moved in to prevent further carnage and 11 of the shooters were killed by police.


The FBI defined these incidents as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” Nearly 10 percent of them were stopped by good guys with guns. Nearly twenty percent were stopped by citizens and not the police.


As the gun grabbers begin to use this incident to pass more laws that criminals will not follow and that will disarm law abiding citizens, remember that even the government admits that the thing most likely to stop a bad guy with a gun…is a good guy with a gun.

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.1471375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US To Halt Its ‘Assistance’ Programs In Militant-held Parts of Northwestern Syria – Report


On May 19, an unnamed US official told CBC News that the Trump administration will withdraw its assistance from the opposition-held areas in northwestern Syria, which include Idlib governorate and parts of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama governorates.


According to CBC News, tens of millions of dollars will be cut from US efforts in northwestern Syria, including projects for “countering violent extremism, supporting independent society and independent media, strengthening education, and advocating for community policing.”


The official revealed to CBC News that the decision to cut off these funds was made through an inter-agency process over the last few weeks. According to the official, these funds will likely be focused on supporting the stabilization of northeastern Syria, the stronghold of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).


“$200 million of stabilization assistance for Syria is currently under review at the request of the President. Distinct from that amount, U.S. assistance for programs in northwest Syria are being freed up to provide potential increased support for priorities in northeast Syria, as will be determined by the outcome of the ongoing assistance review, including the D-ISIS campaign and stabilization efforts,” an unnamed official of the US State Department told CBS News.


Another US official told Reuters that humanitarian assistance for northwestern Syria will not be affected by this decision. The source also confirmed that the humanitarian assistance for Idlib governorate will continue, despite that most of it is controlled by the former branch of al-Qaeda Hay’at Tahrir al-Sahm (HTS).


US President Donald Trump froze more than $200 million in funds for recovery efforts in Syria on March 30. Local observers believe that these steps are aimed at limiting the US influence in Syria to the areas that are directly dominated by US-backed forces.

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.1471387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Temporary Ceasefire Is Reached In Southern Damascus. No Evacuation

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.1471591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1596 >>1625



(May 16, 2018)—On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. See substantiating evidence below.


On the surface, Serco is the weirdest assortment of companies on the planet


Serco builds nuclear weapons, provides housing for migrants, reviews U.S. patents, runs the Obamacare website, operates obvious money-laundering shell companies in the Middle East, is teamed with Lockheed Martin, builds ships, manages massive IT infrastructure, manufactures space vehicles, runs job placement agencies, provides air traffic control to cities, runs rail services, manages parking meters, oversees FEMA Region 9, manages courts and prisons, and runs sports and recreation centers. Huh? This is the weirdest list of companies one can imagine, until one overlays Richard C. Walker's "wet-ware" patents on top, then it makes sense.


This Serco list of 73 subsidiaries revealed a shocking correlation among; (1) Serco’s business interests, (2) the activities of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and (3) the monstrous “Internet of Things” patents filed by Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies.


Eureka! Serco is tasked by the SES to manage the global execution of The "wet-ware" internet of things 5G satellite system for the Deep State


In the Walker patents, human beings or people are labeled as mere “wet-ware.” “Wet works” is a spy euphemism for assassination. Tellingly, Obama’s chief of staff, John D. Podesta, used the term just days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in Texas, after which Obama immediately began promoting SES gloabalist Merrick B. Garland to replace him at the Supreme Court.


The association of the spy tradecraft “wet” words is apparent. Walker does not even hide it, he states that his patents are intended to track and control everything and ever body in this world, even ino low orbit—The Internet of Things. It is apparent that neither Walker nor his SES handlers ever expected deplorables to read his work. We have.


5G is intended to eliminate most of us


The widely-promoted 5G wireless plan is very clearly designed to make Walker’s one-world government population control plan a reality. Elon Musk (SpaceX), Eric Schmidt (Google), OneWeb (Qualcomm, Amazon) have been working with the SES-controlled The Aerospace Corporation to put up a hundred satellites so far, with a planned 24,000 more in the 5G plan. 5G will enable the SES to eliminate people without harming plants and animals, so they think.


They're wrong. Why do you think honey bee populations are collapsing? ANSWER: Electromagnetic smog. Something like eight billion different radio frequencies surround us at all times. Can you mitigate these harmful frequencies? Yes, but we digress.


It is no longer a secret that New World Order globalists are proponents of eugenics and world depopulation, as was Woodrow Wilson, Adolf Hitler and as are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood. Indeed, government data aggregator, Agenda 21 and Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones predict higher than 70% population reduction by 2025-30. It appears that Serco is being paid billions of dollars a year to get ready and make it happen.



Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.1471596   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Eugenicists want to dramatically reduce the world’s population—by stealth if necessary. Wars have always been good for population reduction. Bankers get a two-fer when they fund war. They make money and they depopulate. In Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's world, 500,000 dead Iraq children was acceptable collateral damage. Poisons, toxins and altered genetics work too. For example, billionaire eugenics promoter Bill Gates recently suggested that medical treatment be withheld from the elderly and the savings given to education. With Gates its all in the family. In 2003, he told interviewer Bill Moyers that his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood. Gate's mother also worked at IBM—another eugenics promoter who supported Hitler's eugenics campaign of murder throughout WWII.


Serco companies are evidently working with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up.


Serco is directed by the SES


Ever since Americans for Innovation (AFI) and American Intelligence Media (AIM) unearthed the Senior Executive Service (SES), the revelations of their nefarious activities have been pouring in.


See Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say (over 500,000 views). See also The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption.


Suddenly, the amorphous “Deep State” blob has SES names, faces and titles. See SES Plum Books. For example, almost all of the current players in Robert S. Mueller's witch hunt are SES.


Serco history


Among these SES corruptocrats is perhaps the largest British company in America that you have never heard of—Serco Group Plc. (“Serco”).


Serco began life in 1929 in the United Kingdom (UK) as RCA Photophone Limited. In 1956, they changed their name to RCA Great Britain Limited. In 1969, they changed names again to RCA Limited. In 1987 their name changed again to Serco Limited.


Today, Serco employs 47,000 people around the world with 8,000 in the United States alone. In 2005, Serco bought commercial, government and defense contractor Resource Consultants Inc. (RCI). Then in 2008, they bought SI International, Inc., an almost carbon copy of RCI. SI International, founded by Lockheed Martin and CACI, Inc. insiders, became wholly-owned US subsidiaries of Serco Inc. These acquisitions gave Serco a significant foothold in major U.S. and government services, including IT, engineering, strategy consulting, HR, business process management, professional services, military and intelligence.

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.1471601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614

Serco has been handed huge swaths of U.S. security infrastructure


Serco has become, in some cases, the single source provider of critical American infrastructure via 5,000 contracts totaling $6.2 billion (not including secret offshore accounts) including 477 contracts worth $41.3 million at the Senior Executive Services' Office of Personnel Management (OPM), four contracts worth $172 million at the Department of State (DOS), and 4,644 contracts worth $4.22 billion at the Department of Defense (DoD).


Three astonishing Serco contracts are: (1) a $95 million contract to run the U.S. Patent Office’s processing of new patent applications, (2) a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website, and (3) $610 million to run FEMA Region 92: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Here's the actual Serco FEMA contract Solicitation No. HSFE80-R-004-DHS.


In addition, already mentioned, but bears repeating, Serco manages air traffic control at 63 U.S. airports! You cannot make this up. Outrageous? Most certainly.


The SES Deep State shadow government is silently using Serco for the takedown of our Republic


Obvious questions are: “What is going on? (a) Why isn’t Serco a household name in America? (b) Why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure and ingenuity to the British Crown? (c) Why are our three branches of government and the media silent about this evident coup de tat of American sovereignty?


This British hegemony extends to the American judiciary and government.


British Crown Agents operate in America and have numerous U.S. government contracts too. Here is one example, a $23.7 million USAID contract with Serco. These are the very same Crown Agents whose taxes on tea sparked the Boston Tea Party. See Crown Agents Act of 1995. Why are we giving any money and contracts at all to the British Crown?


In addition, both British and American attorneys are given the title of “Esquire” despite the fact that Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility due to the corrupting foreign influences.


The fact is, American lawyers, judges, law professors and students are organized into an elaborate British-styled union called The American Inns of Court with over 30,000 members. It is directly modeled on the British Inns of Court comprised of four “Temples” in and around the City of London and Westminster.


Tellingly, our American Inns of Court nowhere mention the U.S. Constitution in their charter documents, including their Vision Statement and Professional Creed. To whom do they pledge? To “the movement” and a generic "Rule of Law."


When one considers that The City of London UK banking center is adjacent to the British Inns of Court temples, one begins to get the picture. The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company name Serco is being tapped by the SES to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel.

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.1471614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632 >>1634


Conclusion: Britain is still running America.


Serco Group UK Plc’s most recent annual report (2016) appears to be a very odd assortment of companies ranging from outer space, military, air traffic control and satellites to nuclear weapons, parking, pathology, laundry and immigration housing.


The following slides summarize our findings and conclusion that Serco was selected by Deep State shadow government globalists to manage the implementation of the SES soft kill of our population.


Here’s a full list of Serco Group Plc’s subsidiaries taken directly from their 2016 annual financial report.

Anonymous ID: f3efe7 May 19, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.1471669   🗄️.is 🔗kun



His remark comes amid recent violent protests in the Gaza Strip that have seen some 60 Palestinians killed and more than 2,400 injured as a result.


The status of Jerusalem is a "red line" for the Muslim world, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said after an emergency summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul.


His statement came after this week's protests in the Gaza Strip, which broke out amid the 70th anniversary of state of Israel and the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


"Today we held a highly important meeting in terms of supporting the Palestinians and sending a signal to Israel. In our resolution, we emphasized that Jerusalem is our 'red line'. We do not recognize the US decision to transfer the embassy there; American policy encourages Israel even more. The US leadership has punished the Palestinians, whereas Israel, which violates international law, has been rewarded," Erdogan said at a press conference.


READ MORE: Erdogan Compares Israeli Actions in Gaza to Nazi Persecution of Jews


The politician also noted that former US President George W. Bush was a Republican, like the current president, Donald Trump, but he supported both Israel and Palestine. "Look, what a difference we are witnessing now," Erdogan said.


He also called on the international community to officially recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and launch an "investigation into Israel's crimes."


A total of 60 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2,400 injured during the clashes with Israeli Defense Forces since Monday as the Great March of Return turned violent following the US Embassy's relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


READ MORE: Two Palestinians Die in Hospital After Clashing With Israelis in Gaza — Official


In wake of the violence, Erdogan said that Ankara had decided to recall its ambassadors in Tel Aviv and Washington for consultations, having accused Israel of "state terror" and "genocide," as well as expelling the Israeli ambassador, Eitan