British Telecom Project Soul Catcher still operational with 4th industrial revolution ?
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A new memory chip–for the brain
British Telecom is developing a chip that will extend memory–in humans.
July 18, 1996 5:45 p.m. PT
Scientists from British Telecom's Laboratory today announced a memory chip for the human brain. No kidding.
At a presentation for Yorkshire Post newspaper, BT scientists said the chip would attach directly to the optical nerve and store incoming sensory impulses that could then be downloaded and played on a computer or implanted in someone else's memory. As far-fetched as it may seem, BT scientists are taking it seriously: They even assigned it the appropriately gee-whiz product moniker of "Soul Catcher 2025," as well as some fairly detailed specifications. The 2025 refers to the year the scientists think the idea will become a reality.
A lifetime's experience could be stored in about 10 terabytes, according to Peter Cochrane, head of advanced applications and technologies for BT. "I tend to think of computers now as my third lobe," said Cochrane, who asserts that integrating actual circuitry into the human body is the next logical step.