What a self indulgent nigger. Besides being a traitorous nigger this channel is probably a larpfest like McAfee's "official" channel. If he's got the goods just fucking dump it already. Why the bullshit countdown? Oh yeah of course….muh timing. Whatever.
Maybe you're confusing silence for inaction or just a shill?
Fuck off with your satanic gibberish Lucy.
Huh? You directing that at me?
John Doyle: Top five stupidest baby boomer talking points.
This guy is phenomenal. Heck off commies!
Those are fuckin' cool. I want one.
Then what would be the point in being anon?
>it will be all at once or in a very sudden transition
I'm not seeing a difference. Either way we're ready and comfy.
Red wave immanent! Bidan underwater by FIFTEEN points in left-leaning pollster.
You dodged a coat hanger didn't you?
I keep thinking your shit tier memes won't get any worse but every day you prove me wrong.
Right back at ya filternigger.
Joe is that you? Kek.