Last Bread
Ancestaraly speakin' they come from a place a littl' too close to transylvania for my taste
"pun intended
i am a vegetarian, (you) vampire
Last Bread
Ancestaraly speakin' they come from a place a littl' too close to transylvania for my taste
"pun intended
i am a vegetarian, (you) vampire
He cant 'shut it down'
the reality of 'life' is that you consume yourself or others
"put your faith in him and he will deliver you"
Ever had pizza anon ?
when we eat we either eat ourselves or others
Jains do not eat mushroom as theyre aware of the brain
so plants as well
the reality of 'life', here you 'bake' millitary service ? mill ?
Butcher, baker candlestick maker
anon WAS a big girl, till i understood this
Pe do
Pe = power
do = dough
think about that anon
the reality verses your trauma gulibility
anti christ
except they didnt because sugar & tobacco arent responsible for that sickness
the warnin' on the packets are
pen is mightier than the sword
which is why justice is loosin' too many pens not enough marality
no Morality
Brett was me
he is an actor anon
i am rarely seen female in this
one of those "I dont want you, am goin' to beat you until you break, whip you like a dead horse, and make you wish you were dead, but just to make sure no one else can have you or want you i am goin' to make sure they see you as :
other people
and no one will ever be able to find you or your work
will go to those who play the best bin games & 'magic
for me this hasn't happened however i know the genesis for that, has to do with the graveyard
The 12 behind her represent the known 12 tribes o' israel
the girl at the front is 13
the unknown 13th tribe
thats what we are here in Victorias secrets
as i said, rarely seen as myself
anon, you have your baby, after that you pass the placenta, that is what is known as afterbirth
Stem cells can be harvested from the afterbirth because the baby doesn't need that and unless your an old school mum you arent goin' to eat that.
not all theyve done anon :)
ever completed a bank 'trans' action
then you are a trans
listen to the radio ?
Cis pisses me off, because Cistern, pisses me off, get it ? ah tis enough to give you the shitz