Bastards trying to use "HISTORY" of vaccines as a safety point - this POS poison fucks with your DNA and is full of shit that don't work. Pure garbage for enabling communist control.
If this moron knew maths - he would know the population is naturally posed to collapse in a few decade - people are not having enough babies.
That must be related to the fema camps and the guilotines they ordered on an industrial scale.
Audits kind of prove is was stolen hardcore, what next?
Everybody needs to start posting leaflets with small digestable truth bombs in people post boxes - otherwise the normies will continue to think Cuomo's shit don't stink.
Like dropping propaganda leaflets over war territory.
You might get a better list if you look at the number of deep state bumbs he put in to positions of power.
These are the real heros and saviours.
KEK - a fart machine?
That is Hogg in drag.