I just can’t see the Red October. An Awakening isn’t Justice. It’s just an eye opener. I can’t see it changing anything with arrests or suicides.
Polls are fake. They always have been. It’s called the internet. Algorithms ain’t ever real.
Dan Scavino Tweet.
Post 168
Red October hasn’t happened yet.
See for yourself
Mr Pig memes are mocking all Anons and the Q plan.
Everyone who isn’t an idiot knows this.
Mr Pig is stupid. A dumb ass cat. Shit memes. Never funny. Never worthy. F off Brandon.
I assume it’s a phone and a desktop and a laptop. That’s a loser.
So when Scavino tweets comms we only listen when we like it? 168 in last tweet. Post 168 confirms tweet. News unlocks
It’s a Bailout plan. It’s always a bailout plan. Hemorrhage debt and sell to highest bid.
Why aren’t we getting this.
You niggers and your bling.
Well it’s an opinion from a dumb ass. Rally number 330 shouldn’t be alarming.
After the Dark Winter. Biden mentioned it. It’s coming.
The worst is yet to come.
So are the Nesara Gesara It’s going to be Biblical Zionist Q tards.
Only here. Only Anons.
It’s over. Too many immigrants. Too many unemployed. A job free for all.
No one has to earn anything anymore. It’s all free.
America is over. Only a full exposure war will fix it. Only way is military arresting politicians for exposed crimes.
But we got to get the normies first? Fucked I say.
It was removed because of the nuclear deals in 2017 with Russia. They had to hide the nuclear sub plans??
Talking to yourself?
So Red October is 10/15 or 3/05?
So tell me why did Scavino put
One 6 8 in a tweet and when Post 168 says Red October hasn’t happened, do Anons continue the Red October shit?
However you say it. Inflation is happening and Arrests aren’t. Vaccine and Censorship and Forcing people out of work is happening and Suicide weekend is not.
And never seems to be sad about it.
What if the Great Awakening was for Anons to wake up to the fact nothing is going to happen?
When are the arrests!
You’re joking right!