Used to follow his several reiterations of his twitter handle.
been banned, shadowbanned several times.
Constant new handles.
-claims to have taken down @MAGACoalition
-claims to have taken down @USNJack
-claims to have revealed @JackPosobiec 's real job in the military (urine analyst)
-claims to be a "former" democrat
-claims to be a "data analyst"
All claims are untrue. Here are the facts.
-MAGACoalition is still operating and even visited his house.
-USNJack is still operating, still crazy, yes.
-@myhtopoeic was actually the one who got Posobiec's service record.
-Still a registered Democrat.
-Unemployed. Lives with parents. No life outside of Twatter.
Brian Austin Durrant. Shill of the highest accord.