Anonymous ID: 02ba28 Oct. 18, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.14809054   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Against All Odds: The Forgotten, Epic Stand that Saved Washington’s Army.


Two-hundred and forty-five years ago today, Colonel John Glover and the men from Marblehead would once again be called upon to save Washington’s Army.


The National Pulse.



Against All Odds: The Forgotten, Epic Stand that Saved Washington’s Army.

Historian Patrick K O'Donnell reports on how Washington's Army was saved by then-outlandish tactics on the battlefields of New York.

by Patrick K. O'Donnell

October 18, 2021


Two-hundred and forty-five years ago today, Colonel John Glover and the men from Marblehead would once again be called upon to save Washington’s Army.


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As dawn broke on October 18th, Glover climbed a slight rise. Upon reaching the summit, he lifted his spyglass to his eye to scan the horizon. What he saw exceeded his worst nightmares: over two hundred British warships full of soldiers heading up the Long Island Sound and hundreds of Redcoats already flooding from their ships onto a small peninsula.


After being repulsed by the Americans at Throgs Neck days earlier, Lord Howe loaded his men back onto their vessels and sought another location to disembark. Roughly five miles north, they found Pell’s Point from where they could travel down the Eastchester Road to King’s Bridge and trap Washington’s army—if they had not encountered John Glover’s brigade.