Anonymous ID: 8e91b0 Oct. 18, 2021, 12:36 p.m. No.14809320   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't have all the answers but I've been through some wild things and will gladly share.

As a child I became rather close to a woman who was born into a very dark family.

She claimed to have been educated quite differently and been taught to use, "the dormant portions of the brain".

I didn't believe her until I saw her do "impossible" things that could not be explained and demanded answers.

This led to many conversations about many many things.

The nature of consciousness being one of my main curiosities, we talked at great length about the "astral realm" and a humans ability to escape the body and explore this realm, whatever it was.

Many westerners believe this to be evil but I'd remind them that, if it exists, it's ours.

The powers of darkness own nothing.

I learned to practice meditation and only escaped my body a few times.

I've encountered all manner of things out there.

It is my belief that the "spirit" is pure Creation/ Consciousness and that "thoughts" manifest instantly when out of the body.

Once I asked, "So, I was under the impression that I could talk directly with the Creator when in this state. You there?"

I heard a direct answer and we had a conversation.

It was explained to me that I was like a new born baby and had to learn how to operate in the realm.

That I was pure energy and intention was all that mattered.

I then asked if I could fly and was told that I could but that I wasn't ready.

Being stubborn and impatient, I decided to do it anyway and was instructed as to how to do it.

When I tried (simply by intention) I shot up through the ceiling and found myself way up above my home town.

There was a brief pause in movement and then I started zooming over the town, directly toward my intended destination.

It was wild and startled me.

The very moment I felt the fear, things went blurry and I found myself Immediately back in my body.

The affect of Fear on Creative Intention… Well, that's a whole story in and of itself.