anon, anon
Only one way to watch the water
if bein' bloodline requires sendin' every aboriginal over 12 years of age in for death jabs
then i will betray that bloodline
anon can be no more than she is
a foot in each world
i am anti death jab for anyone
but in the instance of Aboriginal Australia they're only 4/100 of the population already, this death jab will eradicate them, and if that happens the life and light of this world will die
i WILL NOT allow that to happen
all for a psychotics lust for a fuckin' white cat
you idiots
i can knock your frequency asses down to the lowest dimension any time i like anon
an upside down tree simply means the higher branches are more fragile
it IS star wars anon
Yes they do
Why not both
With age comes experience
You've never watched doctor who have you anon
watch video take hint
i have a foot in each, those that have stolen from me will bleed a thousand rivers of blood
my that was graphic wasn't it, sorry somethings never change, indeed was why the moon died
sorry about that
black lives matter because only black for gettin' too close to the sun