>Which is QResearch of course!
The fake Servants Ministry Research videos on the Faxican search engine, C_A was really up my ass that night!
Advent-Sure Quest?!
Advent | \ ˈad-ˌvent
, chiefly British -vənt \
Definition of Advent
1 : the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting
2a : the coming of Christ at the Incarnation (see incarnation sense 3b(1))
b : second coming
adventure noun
ad·ven·ture | \ əd-ˈven-chər
1 : an exciting or dangerous experience The field trip was an adventure for the students. He told us about his camping adventures.
2 : danger or excitement He has a strong spirit/sense of adventure. [=he enjoys doing dangerous and exciting things] They were looking for adventure.
1a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks a book recounting his many bold adventures
b : the encountering of risks the spirit of adventure
2 : an exciting or remarkable experience an adventure in exotic dining They were looking for adventure.
3 : an enterprise involving financial risk wanted to pay off her debts before embarking on any new financial adventures
quest noun
Essential Meaning of quest
formal + literary
1 : a journey made in search of something They went on a quest for gold.
2 : a long and difficult effort to find or do something a quest for answers The team's quest to win a championship finally came to an end. He refuses to give up his quest to discover the truth.
question noun
ques·tion | \ ˈkwes-chən
, ˈkwesh- \
1 : a sentence, phrase, or word that asks for information or is used to test someone's knowledge Can I ask you a personal question? Please answer my question. See More Examples
2 : a matter or problem that is being discussed : a subject or topic Her paper raises several questions [=issues] that need to be discussed/addressed. It is still an open question whether or not you may go.
3 : doubt or uncertainty about something There was little question of her being able to do the work. There is considerable question about the actual value of the property.
1a(1) : an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge
(2) : an interrogative sentence or clause
b : a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion : issue broadly : problem, matter
c(1) : a subject or point of debate or a proposition to be voted on in a meeting
(2) : the bringing of such to a vote
d : the specific point at issue
2a : an act or instance of asking : inquiry
b : interrogation also : a judicial or official investigation
c : torture as part of an examination
d(1) : objection, dispute true beyond question
(2) : room for doubt or objection little question of his skill
(3) : chance, possibility no question of escape
question verb
questioned; questioning; questions
transitive verb
1 : to ask a question of or about
2 : to interrogate intensively : cross-examine
3a : doubt, dispute
b : to subject to analysis : examine