Anonymous ID: 258ee6 Oct. 20, 2021, 6:51 a.m. No.14819481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


a poster threw up some pics of Trump and others of unsavory ilk…

The question would be asked, if Trump is dirty/elite as that poster insinuates, why hasn't anything of substance, other than photos, been dug up on him?


Do a dig on others who scream the loudest financials, ie, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, etc. wonder what would be found?


>>14818344 pb

interesting arrangement re: J Anus

the missing/substituted letters not quite sure of yet…the intention

lots of Q posts that day of 31AUG18


so did intel need to get into the Halls of Congress to protect and guide those there from fucking up?


From the date of the WaPo release, fishwrap the clowns purportedly soft disclose from, 10 days before Q first post kick off…