fake fake fake
>CIA MkUltra patsy Nikolas Cruz paraded in Florida Court for news value
This 'post' aged well, didn't it?
Q and White Hats are not here to win. They're here to fight for you till you're strong enough and united enough to win.
YOU DECIDE YOUR FUTURE, not Q and not White Hats and certainly not the Cabal.
You have to decide on the vaccine, on the election fraud, on your local community issues, on your faith. Q and White Hats are not here to build a new world. They're here to SHOW you a new world. As always, YOU have to be the change you seek.
This 'post' aged well, didn't it?
Q and White Hats are not here to win. They're here to fight for you till you're strong enough and united enough to win.
YOU DECIDE YOUR FUTURE, not Q and not White Hats and certainly not the Cabal.
You have to decide on the vaccine, on the election fraud, on your local community issues, on your faith. Q and White Hats are not here to build a new world. They're here to SHOW you a new world. As always, YOU have to be the change you seek.
Look at all the angst generated by the shills. Yet still that post is on the Q Personal Board.
Do the shills debate the post or do they debate the existence of the post?
Anons, only you can save America. Nobody is going to do it for you.
The Cabal designed a system where the fringe minority has all the power and We, the People have almost no power.
How the Cabal governs -
If you argue with my tyrannical, communist based anti American opinions, you are:
-chauvinistic towards females
-displaying white privilege
Anons, what you have to understand is, the Cabal could give a shit less about blacks, women and homosexuals. They're using cancel culture to silence the majority of America without firing a shot. Big Tech is the new version of 'bullets and bombs' being used to force a society into conformance. If you get out of line you're 'dead' to Big Tech (The new National Security mechanism of globalism)
We don't want physical war. We don't want statues and memorials to the Cabal. We don't want a new class of martyrs. The revolution won't be televised. We will defeat Globalism / Cabal forces by making them fade away and disappearโฆ By the time we get through nobody will even remember them [Cabal], and that's the exact result we're looking for.
American Manufacturing kick start - that's the truth of what's happening. Notice our exports are leaving port just fine.
No more cheap chinese shit made by slaves.
It's going to be UBER PAINFUL pulling the plug on cheap chinese slave made products.
Trump is a genius. This plan was the best way to go. Buh bye China
Almost like we have to use critical thinking to decide for ourselves? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?
Many moves and countermoves right now.
Trump and White Hats are fighting for us till we're strong enough to fight for ourselves. Indeed we put ourselves here with dreams of time shares, bmw's, stock options and basically taking our eyes of the ball. It's not important what White Hats or Trump thinks. It's important what We, the People think. Under the US Constitution the People have the power and only the People can give it away.
Do I seem rattled? Kek
The US Constitution is a contract between We, the People and the leaders we choose to allow to serve/govern us. The US Constitution is a roadmap to the light and love of humanity.
The Key unlocks the map.
Agreed. The US Constitution exists in the flawed human world. The US Constitution set's freedom and faith free to form a more perfect union with God. This is all much bigger than humanity but humanity is the focus of both the spiritual and worldly battles at this moment.
Every timeline now converges on Cabal defeat and a new lease on life for humanity. Nothing can stop what's coming. Humanity will have an opportunity to walk into the light and Patriots will ensure that it is an informed decision.