If "nothing can stop what's coming". And "we have it all" is true. Then "timing" wouldnt matter. If evidence is irrefutable then what is the fucking hold up chief? Unless….you're all compromised. Or full of shit.
Blah blah blah sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook to me. I dont give 2 fucks about the other shit. Just get rid of pedophiles FOR REAL. OR GTFO
Doesnt explain why but says its bullshit. No faggot I am right. Timing wouldnt matter. If it was fucking Tuesday or Saturday. December 17 or April 31st. The anniversary of 9/11 or the fourth of July. That's for fucking movies. If evidence is irrefutable then it speaks for itself. Nice try faggot
Kek. Yes. The stars. That's the ticket
Crypto is the actual beast system. While every one is scared of "the jab" you idiots invest so you can "stay home and fight the interdimensional space demons" by posting dank memes. What crypto will lead to. Will usher us into synchronicity. Transhumanism achieved
China is putting us on hold. Until they decide. We will not switch crypto to our National currency. We owe them too much money. And they dont want to cancel the debt….Yet
Friend of Bill sounds like AA. Bill is the name of one of the creators of Alcoholics anonymous. People from AA when they notice one another. Are you a friend of Bill? And they both know they are in the program. Like a secret society
Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck off with the my pillow faggot. Do some actual digging
My dude. They already know where we are at all times. You are not actually ANON to them. I dont care what you think you know. They dont need metal in our blood to track us. Kek
Ah yes. Then the key is never ever speaking.