>What would a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” look like?
It looks like this, just listen to Garland, couldn't be moar obvious.
It's the 'protection racket' stupid.
>What would a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” look like?
It looks like this, just listen to Garland, couldn't be moar obvious.
It's the 'protection racket' stupid.
They're educated beyond their own intelligence.
Looking like their arrogant attempt on changing the 'software of life' ergo, clot shot, is fast becoming the most horrifying slaughter mankind has ever perpetrated on itself.
>Do not ever believe that the results are due to incompetence.
Of course it's incompetence, even by presumptive design, man, despite his intentions, good or nefarious has always induced residual effects that end up causing disastrous results.
Just look at their record, seems most everything system wise, has been built on lies.