i can't believe this place is still going after all these years.. incredible, absolutely incredible. i tip my hats to all of you who have stuck around, though i suspect there aren't many oldfags left, especially after the endless drama and fuckery with the BO/BVs and Jim. i'm feeling nostalgic this afternoon and i miss baking for you anons. i loved doing it and it was always an honor for me. it's a shame things have turned out the way they have. this place deserved a good leader, and an admin who took the board seriously. Q, if you're reading this, thank you. i pray for vindication for all of us soon enough. God bless, anons, Q, Q+.
Q did not pick the current board management. Q picked the original board management when the board was originally created. since then, Q didn't seem to give any indication that they knew or cared about new management, except to tell the BO to stop fucking with the dough, multiple times. aside from that, you're right. bigger fish to fry and we're frying every day, in our own ways.
what? i don't speak stupid. can you rephrase that in proper english?
>Q and Q+ are long gone, Anon.
not sure about that, anon. many indications signalling otherwise.
>I just can't get past how Q and Q+ would sacrifice so many patriots to the Deep State just to prove a political point.
what did you mean by this?
you're FJ? sorry, i would've never even thought that would be the case, considering you're the board's deadbeat dad. are you really here? is that really you?
of the board? as the BO, yea i would assume so, in theory if not in practice
dubs confirm, i hope you're right
anons, i've been gone way too long..
what happened to https://wearethene.ws/ ? or am i getting the url wrong?
>this the hub of the hive mind
is it really? still? i would've thought it moved to telegram or gab. i've been on gab the past year.
holy shit is this its replacement? https://anontimes.com/
looks fantastic - props to whoever did this. if it's nb and you're reading this now or in the future, great job, old friend, hope you're doing well
brevity code?
to my knowledge, i don't think anyone has thought to put the stringers together but i haven't been around consistently the past 2 years. this seems like a fun a project though - might fuck around and spend my sunday doing just that..
>They are deliberately designed to prevent someone decoding them.
well i do love a challenge
same, kek o7