All the times Kamala Harris said we should use paper ballots on twitter (1/3)
following the lead of Gen Flynn on telegram
from 2018 to 2020
she tweeted about paper ballots 12 freaking times
21 Mar 2018
It may be surprising but paper ballots need to be embraced in the 2018 elections. It's one of the safest, smartest systems because Russia cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a computer.
20 Feb 2019
Paper ballots are the smartest, safest way to conduct secure elections and protect from voter manipulation. Russia can’t hack a piece of paper. Our nation needs to be ready to protect our election systems against attacks by foreign powers. Now is the time to prepare.
31 Mar 2019
Paper ballots are the smartest, safest way to ensure your vote is secure against attacks by foreign actors. Russia can’t hack a piece of paper like they can a computer. We introduced the Secure Elections Act to ensure our elections are safeguarded. We must be ready.
20 Apr 2019
We must embrace paper ballots and upgrades to our election infrastructure in 2020. Russia and other foreign adversaries cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a computer. Every voter deserves to have their vote counted. It’s imperative we work now to protect our elections.
22 May 2019
Russia interfered in the 2016 election. If we don’t do anything to upgrade our election infrastructure, we will leave our nation vulnerable to future attacks. We must embrace hand-marked paper ballots and it’s imperative Congress pass the PAVE Act to protect our elections.