Expecting a polite welcome Brandon?
500% of them
I "ran out of memory" last bred.
Got 32GB's RAM.
Sometimes you gotta refresh that error away.
None of this is beyond the realsm of possibility. We are seeing it play out in real time hence the lack of hindsight for a lot of people.
History only happened in the old days etc.
impossible to say
I'm using Opera
now they all lose.
it's a shocker. Lock her up!
highest ranking
BB Booms
cray cray for sure.
baker add this.
PERMANENT State of Emergency Legislation for Dan Andrews
30,449 views25 Oct 2021
YT Discernable
What does it tell us as a society, where it takes dog torture to stop Fauci, yet majority take this guys vaccinations and medical advice.
A very special place.