Quality logo, thanks anon!
>You should know that the particular post office where those shootings happened is of course in Michigan.
You misspelled Michiganistan.
Love you too ;>
>When did you first post that gif?
>2 years ago?
You could probably check the archive? It's always named heyyy.gif, though I'm not sure if that information gets archived or not. It's definitely been a bit, hasn't it?
>Ya, it's been a good minute.
It actually started because I thought you were AFLB and I had started hitting on AFLB around that time just to be a creep and gauge its reactions. Testing the waters (they proved to be contaminated; we don't swim there anymore). It started with this image lol. Note filename
>I've accused of being many things, but AFLB… seriously?
No time for apologies on this wild ride, anon! The important thing is we've both survived the road to reach the place where we now continue standing. Correct?
>Fungus Flirting for whatever reason is absolutely disgusting, Anon.
Yeah, I couldn't keep it going. But you can't blame me for trying to find SOMETHING that would make it go away.