AFLB was a good baker to begin with, but he (it) has to take powerful anti-fungal meds that make him psychotic, so "he" has these episodes were "he" loses it.
Its either take the fucked up meds, or have "his" goo hole go all rotten on "him".
AFLB was a good baker to begin with, but he (it) has to take powerful anti-fungal meds that make him psychotic, so "he" has these episodes were "he" loses it.
Its either take the fucked up meds, or have "his" goo hole go all rotten on "him".
A good friend of mine has Crones disease, had some serious surgeries that left him with a raging morphine habit.
Now he's a recovering junkie…..
You never know what will happen….
To you, or to others around you.
There but by the grace of God go I .