Garland refuses to submit to “conflict of interest inquiry” because his son in law makes dough from CRT. He refuses to reverse domestic terrorist of parents. He allow his DOJ persecute peaceful Trump Supporters. Etc etc etc
But Jeff Sessions is blocked from being involved in Russia, Russia, Russia Coup. Jeff was investigated for conflict of interest because he met Russians as a campaign event. Jeff is relegated to releasing his power of AG to the coup plotters. Etc.
When Consevatives get back in, let the media scream and yell all they want, dont be intimidated by these assholes. Trump needs to do a secret EO no one will be prosecuted for doing their job in good faith.
These are only a few of the things media and DS did to Trump and his Admin. No more Mr. Nice Guy expecting them to come around, and no more deals to save face for them.
The fucking war is not over, round 2 is going to be brutal
Merrick Garland is the first to be arrested with his entire family, after Bidan & family, Kamala & family. Clintons are long gone by then!
Fuck em all! Gloves off, all within the law, but its going down