Was trying to post something like this in the last bread, but it wouldn't let me.
FEARis what is driving everything. People vaccinate out of fear. If not fear of their own life, then fear of losing their job, losing their access, losing their STUFF. People overlook the election steal out of FEAR. Don't want a civil war, don't want to upset the apple cart. People accept loss of 1st Amendment rights out of FEAR. Don't want to be polarized or called a bigot, don't want to be bullied or threatened.
To dispel the fear requires inner peace. To arrive at inner peace requires placing ultimate faith in somthing or someone. How real is your (our) faith in God? For me it is very real, and He can do with me as He will. Trusing a Plan is difficult, unless the author of it is God. So when we say 'trust the plan' it is perhaps a little disengenuous, depending on where our true faith lies.
I for one will not be afraid. Just had Covid a few weeks ago… Maybe it is my imagination, but it feels like my heart has some arythmia now…. but the true battle lies in the spiritual realm. We are warriors on the battlefield, which anons know very well.
FEAR NOT says the Lord.
None of this should come as a shock to Christians. God has hardened the hearts of man. Seeing, they cannot perceive. Hearing, they cannot discern. Not everyone has eyes to see and ears to hear.
Was just reading in Isaiah this morning about the desolation of Israel. Woe be to the 'head' and the 'tail', i.e. the spiritual leaders and the false prophets. God will cut them off.
And yet the alternative is to rely on our own understanding.
In PH where anon lives there will occasionally be a story where a MIL member unwittingly discoveres his date for the evening is a guy, and then beats him to death out of anger. Trannies need to be careful.