>>14878908 pb
He is not a KJV anon… He is a spirit eating dick worshiper.. follow his thread.
see.. >>14878352 pb and following
>>14878908 pb
He is not a KJV anon… He is a spirit eating dick worshiper.. follow his thread.
see.. >>14878352 pb and following
The original transgression was that Eve chose to live by her instincts (which we share with animals), rather than by knowing God.
His name Elohim means 'God אל separate from man ים by ignorance ה.
As long as she followed her instincts, and decided good and evil for herself, she would never know God.
Sex wasn't even an issue. Adam knew how to have sex, he saw the animals doing it and realized there was no one for him.
The dick-worshiping rabbis say Adam had sex with all the animals.
Eve was made for sex. It is good, as it says, one man one woman.
The dick worshipers simply want us to be nothing more than animals.
We have many things to remind us that we are more than animals and less than gods.
Gods don't have to work for food, god gave Adam to eat of all the tree.
Gods and animal dont have pain in childbirth. God formed Adam from dust, and animal don't have the increase in pain.
Think you're a God? Don't covet. gods have all they need.
Don't lie. Gods have no need for deceit.
Animals don't set aside one day as special.
Animals don't give thanks before they eat.
Animals say a prayer as they come and go from a house.
Animals don't wear clothes.
No. Marriage is more than just a social contract. It is a gift from God as a reminded that Christ died for his bride, teaches her, and that she obeys him.
Even Christians claiming that it is a social contract miss the point. We don't belong here. We are sojourners in a foreign land. When it is just a social contract, it is evidence you have made your home in Sodom. It is a message of the cross.
As for Christian culture: When Israel met God they made a golden calf. When Teh Greeks met God, they deified Mary.
By the end of the first century they did everything they were told not to do.
They lost their first love: Christ and adopted Mary.
They became the Nicolaitans; conquered of the laity.
The adopted the doctrine of Balaam and compromised with government and the flesh.
They became Judaisers as they adopted the Temple rituals into their masses and adopted their laws.
No one need defend the history of the Gentile church any more than one needs to defend teh Hebrews who constantly turned their backs on God.
But what a subtle trick to distract men from the Word of God by using the frailties of men in churches.