>Marriage is more than just a social contract. It is a gift from God
Sex is a gift from God.
Marriage is a manmade legal contract.
Some argue marriage is a good thing for a functional society, and preservation of values leaning "conservative". Some argue that it goes against nature and God's intent for our truer nature as a species. But nowhere in the Bible does God say "Thou shalt be married". It just says not to covet your neighbor's wife, commit adultery, or fornicate. It does say that two flesh become one, and that when man leaves his parents' home, he is to join with his wife, faithfully. Marriage is absolutely nowhere in the Bible.
The concept of marriage is a civil/social contract that ensures the possibility that each member of society gets an equal shot at companionship and procreation. You think it's not that deep? Just look at all the other various control mechanisms put in place to placate people and ensure us "wild beasts" keep focus on many other distractions instead of who's pulling all the levers.
The Adam and Eve story? It's allegory for when people come of age and leave home. Cain and Able? Allegory for conflict for siblings serving their parents (or gov't). It goes on and on like this, while taking intermittent breaks for "begat begat begat" in order to establish a "God promised us this land, not you guys". Then the NT happens, and all that previous stuff really doesn't matter anymore because we went from legalism to love.
Jokingly (but maybe not?) invoking Carlin for thought exercise: