Anons, i've found this clip.
It's Biden visiting the Pope.
At one moment (after an uncutted scene where the pope and Biden are walking together trough the building) Biden say's straight out of nowhere to the Pope:
You'r the famous afro-american baseball player
While said that, the translator-woman flies in and the director takes a cut in the scene…. After this cut in the scene, Biden continues a story to the pope where he tells about a pitcher who still was in field at particular age (Satchel Paige)…. (So the following sentence doesn't seem to suspicious to be complete nonsense)
So first he tells the Pope ''Your the famous Afro-American baseball player"
Afterwards, after the transloter flied in, he explains his uncommon pronunciation to joint a random story about this Satchel Paige.
After this moment he continues his story about Satchel Paige with some quotes this Satchel Paige appearantly made about 'age'.
His latest funny phrase connecting his story before is telling the Pope; I look it this way, how old you'll be if you didn't knew how old you were
You'r 65, i'm 60
Laughing about his own joke in front of a Pope lauging as well however he didn't understood the joke because the translator explained what Biden was saying in the time he already decide to start laughing at it he cuts the story off and he leaves the palace of the Pope. The pope bows for Biden when Biden walks out the door and Biden doesn't give the Pope one single look at that moment but only sais on a somewhat abrupt and rough manner a Thank you thank you thank you
Start to watch this around: 05:50
Remarkable are the ages he use in his 'joke';
Your 65, and i am 60.
You think he says random numbers?
656 has a symbolic number in the bible .
Also there is a revelation i've found however i'm not sure or it is from the 'original bible' with this number 656